forked from orion/obsidian
1005 B
1005 B
Alt is used most often as boolean OR on fallible Functor, but is technically whatever associative operation makes sense for the Data Structures type.
class Functor f <= Alt f where
alt :: forall a. f a -> f a -> f a
In Maybe, Alt allows chainable defaults:
Just 1 <|> Just 2
-- Just 1
Nothing <|> Just 1
-- Just 1
Nothing <|> Nothing
-- Nothing
Nothing <|> Nothing <|> Just 1
-- Just 1
In Either, Alt works as a try/catch:
Left "error!" <|> Right "it's ok i recovered"
-- Right "it's ok i recovered"
Right "i succeeded!" <|> Right "backup"
-- Right "i succeeded!"
Right unit <|> Left "uh oh!"
-- Right unit
Left "a" <|> Left "b"
-- Left "b"
[!attention] Note that Alt in Either takes the last
when all areLeft
In Array, Alt is append:
[] <|> [] -- []
["a"] <|> [] -- ["a"]
[] <|> ["a"] -- ["a"]
["a"] <|> ["b"] -- ["a", "b"]
["a"] <|> ["b", "c"] -- ["a", "b", "c"]