This roll includes:
- that changes request interception methods in protocol
- s/Page.setRequestInterceptionEnabled/Page.setRequestInterception
Page.setRequestInterceptionEnabled is renamed into
This patch adds "options" parameter to the `page.setContent` method. The
parameter is the same as a navigation parameter and allows to specify
maximum timeout to wait for resources to be loaded, as well as to
describe events that should be emitted before the setContent operation
would be considered successful.
This patch:
- migrates navigation watcher to use protocol-issued lifecycle events.
- removes `networkIdleTimeout` and `networkIdleInflight` options for
`page.goto` method
- adds a new `networkidle0` value to the waitUntil option of navigation
References #728.
As an implication of this new approach, the `networkIdleTimeout` and
`networkIdleInflight` options are no longer supported. Interested
clients should implement the behavior themselves using the `request` and
`response` events.
This patch:
- introduces Target class that represents any inspectable target, such as service worker or page
- emits events when targets come and go
- introduces to instantiate a page from a target
Fixes#386, fixes#443.
This patch:
- deprecates injectFile as it was confused with the addScriptTag
- accepts an options object in addScriptTag which supports properties url, path and content.
- accepts an options object in addStyleTag which supports properties url, path and content.
- the addStyleTag/addScriptTag have changed;
- the injectFile was removed in favor of (addStyleTag({path:}).
This patch introduces `Page.queryObjects` and
`ExecutionContext.queryObjects` methods to query JavaScript heap
for objects with a certain prototype.
This patch:
- introduces `helper.promisify` - a simple polyfill for the `util.promisify`. The
`util.promisify` could not be used due to Node6 compatibility issues.
- migrates all sync filesystem operations to the async replicas
The page.plainText is confusing: it's unclear what kind of text it
returns, textContent or innerText. It's also easily polyfillable and
doesn't seem to be used.
BREAKING CHANGE: the page.plainText is not existing any more.
Instead, use `page.evaluate(() => document.body.innerText)`.
This patch:
- updates JSHandle.toString to make a nicer description for primitives
- excludes JSHandle.toString from documentation to avoid its abuse
References #382
This patch starts using typescript to lint JSDoc annotations.
Note: this uses typescript's bleeding edge. We should migrate to stable once
it has all the necessary bugfixes.
References #65.
This patch:
- adds input methods to ElementHandle, such as ElementHandle.type and
- changes `page.type` to accept selector as the first argument
- removes `` method. The `` is rarely used and doesn't operate with selectors; if there's a need to press a button, `` should be used.
BREAKING CHANGE: `page.type` is changed, `` is removed.
This patch:
- introduces ExecutionContext class that incapsulates javascript
execution context. An examples of execution contexts are workers and
- introduces JSHandle that holds a references to the javascript
object in ExecutionContext
- inherits ElementHandle from JSHandle
This patch introduces ConsoleMessage type and starts dispatching
it for the 'console' event.
BREAKING CHANGE: this breaks the api of the 'console' event.
This lets the user pass `...args` into `page.waitFor`. It also clarifies that the docs that `options` is not optional if `...args` are specified.
This patch:
- teaches `page.evaluate` to accept ElementHandles as parameters
- removes `ElementHandle.evaluate` method since it's not needed any
References #382
Currently, navigation watcher throws exception if timeout
is exceeded.
Due to the way it is used in `page.navigate`, the promise
get's rejected before it is awaited, which is considered to
be "unhandled promise rejection".
It's very bad to have 'unhandled promise rejection' that can't be
handled in user code. These errors will exit node process in a near
This patch avoids 'unhandled promise rejection' while sending protocol
This patch:
- introduces `puppeteer:error` debug scope and starts using it for all
swalloed errors.
- makes sure that every `client.send` method is either awaited or its
errors are handled.
- starts return promises from Request.continue() and Request.abort().
- starts swallow errors from Request.contine() and Request.abort().
The last is the most important part of the patch. Since
`Request.continue()` might try to continue canceled request, we should
disregard the error.
This patch:
- adds `page.touchscreen` namespace, similar to `page.mouse` and `page.keyboard`.
- adds tapping to multiple layers:
- `page.touchscreen.tap`
- `page.tap` - convenience method which accepts selector
- `elementHandle.tap`
Fixes#568 and #569.
This patch:
- switches to objects instead of maps for headers (in Request, Response and
- converts all header names to lower case
Fixes#547, fixes#509
This patch:
- removes the `page.uploadFile` method
- adds `elementHandle.uploadFile` method.
Motivation: `elementHandle.uploadFile` is rarely used, so it doesn't worth it
to keep it on page.
This patch starts emitting 'error' event when page crashes.
'error' events have special treatment in node, so page crashes
become observable for users.
This patch
- rolls chromium to 492629
- migrates connection establishing to use browser target. This migration means
that now we have a single websocket connection to browser (implemented
in Connection class). A connection to a particular target is
incapsulated in a new Session class.
This patch:
- teaches page.uploadFile() to resolve given file paths against
current working directory. This aligns paths handling with all the
other methods
- moves page.uploadFile() under Frame
- changes test to use relative path for file upload
The page.waitForFunction method allows to wait for a general predicate.
The predicate will be continiously polled for in page, until
it either returns true or the timeout happens.
The polling parameter could be one of the following:
- 'raf' - to poll on every animation frame
- 'mutation' - to poll on every dom mutation
- <number> - to poll every X milliseconds
References #91
This patch:
- renames page.setHTTPHeaders into page.setExtraHTTPHeaders
- starts using Map instead of Object to align with other headers
This patch improves on page.evaluate to accept a string.
The string can have a trailing '//# sourceURL=' comment which would
name the evaluation to make stacks beautiful.
In order to make sourceURL comments possible, this patch:
- removes wrapping of the client function into `Promise.resolve()`
- stops passing `awaitPromise` parameter to `Runtime.evaluate`
- starts to await promise via the `Runtime.awaitPromise` if the return type of the evaluation
is promise
This patchs makes sure DOM domain is never enabled. The reasoning behind this is that
DOM domain is heavy-weight: it generates a lot of traffic over the protocol.
Drive-by: use Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead of Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad
This patch renames page.evaluateOnInitialized into
page.evaluateOnNewDocument to better align with the protocol and with
what the method is actually doing.
This patch stops serializing console API arguments unless there are
listeners of the 'console' event in puppeteer.
This saves quite a lot CPU cycles.
This patch:
- adds Mouse class which holds mouse state and implements mouse primitives,
such as moving, button down and button up.
- implements high-level mouse api, such as `` and `page.hover`.
References #40, References #89
This patch:
- introduces page.waitForSelector to wait for the selector to appear
- introduces polymorphic page.waitFor method, which accepts
either string (and in this case is a shortcut for page.waitForSelector)
or number (and in this case it's a promisified timeout).
References #91.
This patch adds a 'visible' option to the Page.waitFor method, making
it possible to wait for the element to become actually visible.
References #89, #91.
This patch:
- gets rid of `page.emulate` and `page.emulatedDevices`
methods. Instead, it is suggested to use `page.setViewport()`
and `page.setUserAgent()` methods.
- moves DeviceDescriptors to the top level of the puppeteer so that
it is convenient to require them.
- improves on documentation to describe the suggested emulation
References #88.
This patch converts lib/DevicesDescriptors from a devtools front-end
format into a puppeteer format.
This patch does this via introducing a scripts utils/fetch_devices.js
which grabs devices from upstream of DevTools Front-end and
converts them into puppeteer devices.
References #88.
Currently, it's impossible to do screenshots in parallel.
This patch:
- makes all screenshot tasks sequential inside one browser
- starts activating target before taking screenshot
- adds a test to make sure it's possible to take screenshots across
- starts waiting for a proper page closing after each test. This might
finally solve the ECONNRESET issues in tests.
References #89
This patch introduces Page.waitForNavigation which allows to wait
for render-initiated navigation.
This patch also does a nice refactoring, replacing Navigator with NavigatorWatcher which
is not a part of a page state.
References #89
This patch:
- renames Page.printToPDF into page.pdf
- adds a 'path' option to the page.pdf options instead of a separate
`filePath` parameter
- improves on the documentation for the `page.pdf`
References #39.
This patch introduces a general Documentation.diff method, which
produces a diff of two documentations.
With this, the patch teaches documentation linter to lint method arguments.
References #14.
This patch changes Page.navigate API:
- Page.navigate now resolves to the main page response
- Page.navigate throws errors if there's no main page response,
e.g. in case of SSL errors, max navigation timeout,
or invalid url.
This patch also adds httpsServer with a self-signed certificates
for the testing purposes.
This line within `injectFile` wasn't doing much of anything:
let expression = fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (err, data) => callback({err, data}));
* That's fixed.
* A path error in examples/features.js is fixed.
* Test added for injectFile.
This patch implements NetworkManager, which encapsulates all the
interaction with Network domain.
The NetworkManager also uses partial implementation of Request and
Response classes, defined in the Fetch API specification.
References #26
This patch introduces the 'request' event which is fired when
page has initiated a request.
The event dispatches an instance of Request class.
References #26.
This patch does a step towards Fetch API:
- implements Request object to some extend. The Request object will be
sent in RequestWillBeSent event.
- implements InterceptedRequest which extends from Request and allows
for request modification. The InterceptedRequest does not
conform to Fetch API spec - there seems to be nothing related to
amending in-flight request.
- adds test to make sure that request can change headers.
References #26
This patch implements Basic Input api:
- Page.focus(selector) - focuses element with selector
- - clicks element with selector
- Page.type(text) - types text into a focused element
This patch:
- reformats codebase to use 2-spaces instead of 4. This will
align the project with other codebases (e.g. DevTools and Lighthouse)
- enables eslint indentation checking
References #19
This patch implements FrameManager which is responsible for maintaining
the frame tree. FrameManager is quite basic: it sends FrameAttached,
FrameDetached and FrameNavigated events, and can report mainFrame and
all frames.
The next step would be moving certain Page API's to the Frame. For
example, such method as Page.evaluate, Page.navigate and others should
be available on Frame object as well.
References #4
Page.screenshot operates the global state of the page. In case of
multiple Page.screenshot() commands running in parallel with different
clipping rects, they interfere with each other.
This patch makes Page.screenshot() commands run sequencially
even though they were called in parallel.
This patch refactors Page.screenshot api, accoring to the discussion
in #5:
- Page.screenshot accepts single optional options object
- Page.saveScreenshot is removed
- Page.screenshot assumes 'png' screenshot if no type is set and no
'path' property is given
This patch introduces a Dialog class and a new 'dialog'
event instead of the 'alert', 'beforeunload', 'confirm' and
'prompt' events and 'Page.handleDialog' method.