Accessibility |
The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as screen readers or switches. |
Browser |
BrowserContext |
BrowserFetcher |
CDPSession |
Connection |
ConsoleMessage |
Coverage |
Dialog |
Dialog instances are dispatched by the Page via the dialog event. |
ElementHandle |
EventEmitter |
The EventEmitter class that many Puppeteer classes extend. |
ExecutionContext |
FileChooser |
Frame |
FrameManager |
HTTPRequest |
HTTPResponse |
JSHandle |
Keyboard |
Mouse |
Page |
Page provides methods to interact with a single tab or [extension background page]( in Chromium. One [Browser] instance might have multiple [Page] instances. |
Puppeteer |
The main Puppeteer class |
SecurityDetails |
Target |
TimeoutError |
Touchscreen |
Tracing |
WebWorker |