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Experimental WebDriver BiDi support
WebDriver BiDi is a new cross-browser automation protocol currently under development, aiming to combine the best of both WebDriver “Classic” and CDP. WebDriver BiDi promises bi-directional communication, making it fast by default, and it comes packed with low-level control.
See also:
Automate with Chrome and Firefox
Puppeteer supports WebDriver BiDi automation with Chrome and Firefox.
Firefox integration is nearing feature parity with its previous CDP-based approach. Learn more in the dedicated announcement.
Measuring progress
To gauge the capabilities of WebDriver BiDi, we utilized the comprehensive Puppeteer test suite
- For Firefox, there are currently under 60 failing tests compared to the CDP implementation, while over 82 new tests successfully utilize WebDriver BiDi, demonstrating its growing potential.
- For Chrome, around 68% of tests pass with WebDriver BiDi, indicating room for improvement compared to the CDP-based approach.
Get started
Below is an example of launching Firefox or Chrome with WebDriver BiDi:
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
product: 'firefox', // or 'chrome'
protocol: 'webDriverBiDi',
const page = await browser.newPage();
await browser.close();
This is an exciting step towards a more unified and efficient cross-browser automation experience. We encourage you to explore WebDriver BiDi with Puppeteer and join us in shaping the future of browser automation.
Puppeteer features supported over WebDriver BiDi
Browser and page automation
- Browser.close
- Frame.goto() (except
) - Page.bringToFront
- Page.goBack()
- Page.goForward()
- Page.goto (except
) - Page.reload (except for
parameter) - Page.setViewport (
only) - Puppeteer.launch
- JSHandle.evaluate
- JSHandle.evaluateHandle
- Page.evaluate
- Page.exposeFunction
Selectors and locators except for ARIA:
- Page.$ (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)
- Page.$$ (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)
- Page.$$eval (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)
- Page.$eval (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)
- Page.waitForSelector (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)
- ElementHandle.click
- Keyboard.down
- Keyboard.press
- Keyboard.sendCharacter
- Keyboard.type
- Keyboard.up
- Mouse events (except for dedicated drag'n'drop API methods)
- Page.tap
- TouchScreen.*
JavaScript dialog interception
- page.on('dialog')
- Dialog.*
Screenshots (not all parameters are supported)
- Page.screenshot (supported parameters
- Page.screenshot (supported parameters
PDF generation (not all parameters are supported)
- Page.pdf (only
are supported) - Page.createPDFStream (only
are supported)
- Page.pdf (only
Puppeteer features not yet supported over WebDriver BiDi
- HTTPRequest.abort()
- HTTPRequest.abortErrorReason()
- HTTPRequest.client()
- HTTPRequest.continue()
- HTTPRequest.continueRequestOverrides()
- HTTPRequest.failure()
- HTTPRequest.finalizeInterceptions()
- HTTPRequest.interceptResolutionState()
- HTTPRequest.isInterceptResolutionHandled()
- HTTPRequest.respond()
- HTTPRequest.responseForRequest()
- Page.setRequestInterception()
- BrowserContext.clearPermissionOverrides()
- BrowserContext.overridePermissions()
Various emulations (most are supported with Chrome)
- Page.emulate() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.emulateCPUThrottling() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.emulateIdleState() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.emulateMediaFeatures() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.emulateMediaType() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.emulateTimezone() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.emulateVisionDeficiency() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.setBypassCSP() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.setCacheEnabled() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.setGeolocation() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.setJavaScriptEnabled() (supported only in Chrome)
CDP-specific features
- Page.createCDPSession() (supported only in Chrome)
Tracing (supported only in Chrome)
Coverage (supported only in Chrome)
Accessibility (supported only in Chrome)
Other methods:
- Browser.userAgent()
- ElementHandle.uploadFile()
- Frame.isOOPFrame()
- Frame.waitForDevicePrompt()
- HTTPResponse.buffer()
- HTTPResponse.fromServiceWorker()
- HTTPResponse.securityDetails()
- Input.drag()
- Input.dragAndDrop()
- Input.dragOver()
- Input.drop()
- Page.authenticate()
- Page.cookies()
- Page.deleteCookie()
- Page.emulateNetworkConditions()
- Page.isDragInterceptionEnabled()
- Page.isJavaScriptEnabled() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.isServiceWorkerBypassed()
- Page.metrics()
- Page.queryObjects() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.screencast() (supported only in Chrome)
- Page.setBypassServiceWorker()
- Page.setCookie()
- Page.setDragInterception()
- Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders()
- Page.setOfflineMode()
- Page.setUserAgent()
- Page.waitForDevicePrompt()
- Page.waitForFileChooser()
- Page.workers()
- PageEvent.popup
- PageEvent.WorkerCreated
- PageEvent.WorkerDestroyed
- Target.opener()