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LaunchOptions interface

Generic launch options that can be passed when launching any browser.


export interface LaunchOptions


Property Modifiers Type Description Default
channel? ChromeReleaseChannel (Optional) Chrome Release Channel
dumpio? boolean (Optional) If true, pipes the browser process stdout and stderr to process.stdout and process.stderr. false
env? Record<string, string | undefined> (Optional) Specify environment variables that will be visible to the browser. The contents of process.env.
executablePath? string (Optional) Path to a browser executable to use instead of the bundled Chromium. Note that Puppeteer is only guaranteed to work with the bundled Chromium, so use this setting at your own risk.
extraPrefsFirefox? Record<string, unknown> (Optional) Additional preferences that can be passed when launching with Firefox.
handleSIGHUP? boolean (Optional) Close the browser process on SIGHUP. true
handleSIGINT? boolean (Optional) Close the browser process on Ctrl+C. true
handleSIGTERM? boolean (Optional) Close the browser process on SIGTERM. true
ignoreDefaultArgs? boolean | string[] (Optional) If true, do not use puppeteer.defaultArgs() when creating a browser. If an array is provided, these args will be filtered out. Use this with care - you probably want the default arguments Puppeteer uses. false
pipe? boolean (Optional) Connect to a browser over a pipe instead of a WebSocket. false
product? Product (Optional) Which browser to launch. chrome
timeout? number (Optional) Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the browser to start. Pass 0 to disable the timeout. 30000 (30 seconds).
waitForInitialPage? boolean (Optional) Whether to wait for the initial page to be ready. Useful when a user explicitly disables that (e.g. --no-startup-window for Chrome). true