forked from github/plane
sriram veeraghanta 1e152c666c
New Directory Setup ()
* chore: moved app & space from apps to root

* chore: modified workspace configuration

* chore: modified dockerfiles for space and web

* chore: modified icons for space

* feat: updated files for new svg icons supported by next-images

* chore: added /spaces base path for next

* chore: added compose config for space

* chore: updated husky configuration

* chore: updated workflows for new configuration

* chore: changed app name to web

* fix: resolved build errors with web

* chore: reset file tracing root for both projects

* chore: added nginx config for deploy

* fix: eslint and tsconfig settings for space app

* husky setup fixes based on new dir

* eslint fixes

* prettier formatting


Co-authored-by: Henit Chobisa <chobisa.henit@gmail.com>
2023-09-03 18:50:30 +05:30

24 lines
9.9 KiB

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