2022-06-13 15:31:39 +01:00

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HTTPurple 🪁

License purescript-httpurple on Pursuit

A functional http framework with a focus on type-safety and making the common case easy.

This project was originally forked from the amazing HTTPure http server framework, but has since deviated quite a bit. If you are coming from HTTPure you might want to have a look at the differences to HTTPure.


  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Quick start
  4. Documenation
  5. Examples
  6. Testing
  7. License


  • λ fp-style http server & request handlers
  • 🛣 Powerful & type-safe routing dsl
  • 🕵🏻‍♂️ Easy json parsing and data validation
  • 📜 Extensive documentation & examples


spago install httpurple

Quick start

module Main where

import Prelude hiding ((/))

import HTTPurple

data Route = Hello String
derive instance Generic Route _

route :: RouteDuplex' Route
route = mkRoute
  { "Hello": "hello" / segment

main :: ServerM
main =
  serve { port: 8080 } { route, router }
  router { route: Hello name } = ok $ "hello " <> name

then start the server

➜ spago run
           Src   Lib   All
Warnings   0     0     0  
Errors     0     0     0  
[info] Build succeeded.
HTTPurple 🪁 up and running on

query your server, e.g. using httpie

➜ http http://localhost:8080/hello/🗺  
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 10
Date: Sun, 22 May 2022 16:50:52 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=5

hello 🗺


See the docs folder for the in-depth guides.

  • Basics - Basic introduction to HTTPurple 🪁
  • Routing - Explanation of the routing dsl
  • Requests - Guide to request handling
  • Response - Guide to response handling
  • Differences - A detailed description of the differences to HTTPure


HTTPurple ships with a number of examples. To run an example, in the project root, run:

spago -x test.dhall run --main Examples.<Example Name>.Main

Each example's startup banner will include information on routes available on the example server.


To run the test suite, in the project root run:

spago -x test.dhall test


This is a fork of HTTPure, which is licensed under MIT. See the original license. This work is similarly licensed under MIT.