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Differences to HTTPure
HTTPurple 🪁 is a fork of HTTPure that I started to freely experiment with some ideas I have on improving the usage experience. Currently I have no intentions on back-porting any of it to HTTPure, as I don't have the time for it and also don't want to restrict myself.
If you have used HTTPure before, you'll probably want to go through the following changes to get started using HTTPurple 🪁:
The most notable difference to HTTPure is that HTTPurple 🪁 uses the amazing routing-duplex
library for routing. I found the previous lookup-based routing tedious to work with, especially when having more complex routes, and quite error-prone, especially if you need reverse-routing for redirects.
offers an elegant bidirectional routing which was initially designed for SPAs. Have a look at the really extensive documentation
. The benefits of using routing-duplex are
- Much simpler and less tedious definition of routes
- Roundtrip printing/parsing of routes, so no more invalid redirects
- Exhaustive pattern matching so you are sure to match all defined routes
- Option to separate routes into logical groups
Here is a bit more elaborated examples:
module Main where
import Prelude hiding ((/))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import HTTPurple
data Route
= Home
| Profile String
| Account String
| Search { q :: String, sorting :: Maybe Sort }
derive instance Generic Route _
data Sort = Asc | Desc
derive instance Generic Sort _
sortToString :: Sort -> String
sortToString = case _ of
Asc -> "asc"
Desc -> "desc"
sortFromString :: String -> Either String Sort
sortFromString = case _ of
"asc" -> Right Asc
"desc" -> Right Desc
val -> Left $ "Not a sort: " <> val
sort :: RouteDuplex' String -> RouteDuplex' Sort
sort = as sortToString sortFromString
api :: RouteDuplex' Route
api = mkRoute
{ "Home": noArgs
, "Profile": "profile" / string segment
, "Account": "account" / string segment
, "Search": "search" ? { q: string, sorting: optional <<< sort }
main :: ServerM
main = serve { port: 8080 } { route: api, router: apiRouter }
apiRouter { route: Home } = ok "hello world!"
apiRouter { route: Profile profile } = ok $ "hello " <> profile <> "!"
apiRouter { route: Account account } = found' redirect ""
reverseRoute = print api $ Profile account
redirect = headers { "Location": reverseRoute }
apiRouter { route: Search { q, sorting } } = ok $ "searching for query " <> q <> " " <> case sorting of
Just Asc -> "ascending"
Just Desc -> "descending"
Nothing -> "defaulting to ascending"
Extensible requests and node middlewares
In HTTPurple 🪁 requests are extensible records, so you can add data to the request. This is particularly useful when implementing middlewares that e.g. add user information to the incoming requets.
Furthermore, HTTPurple 🪁 adds support for (application-level) node/express middlewares.
See Middleware.md
for more information.
Startup options
HTTPurple 🪁 greatly simplifies the startup options and functions. The serve
, serve'
, serveSecure
and serveSecure'
have been merged into a single function serve
that accepts listen options as the first parameter and uses sane defaults if you don't provide any.
The easiest way to start a server is to provide just the route and a router:
main :: ServerM
main =
serve {} { route, router }
This will spin up the http server with sane defaults.
HTTPurple 🪁 up and running on
But you can overwrite any of the optional properties like this
main :: ServerM
main =
serve {
hostname: "localhost"
, port: 9000
, certFile: "./Certificate.cer"
, keyFile: "./Key.key"
, notFoundHandler
, onStarted: log "Server started 🚀"
, closingHandler: NoClosingHandler
} { route, router }
notFoundHandler :: Request Unit -> ResponseM
notFoundHandler = const $ ok "Nothing to see here"
Request parsing and validation
HTTPurple 🪁 has some helpers to make json parsing and validation very simple. See the requests guide for more information.
HTTPurple 🪁 has two separate types for headers, namely RequestHeader
and ResponseHeader
. ResponseHeader
wraps Map CaseInsensitiveString (Array String)
and therefore allows setting multiple response headers. This is useful if you e.g. want to set multiple Set-Cookie
Also you can create the headers by passing a record. See the responses documentation for more information.
Other improvements
- Default closing handler - A default closing handler is provided so you can just stop your server using
without having to worry about anything. You can deactivate it by settingclosingHandler: NoClosingHandler
in the listen options.