Add MonadUnlift
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module Control.Monad.Unlift where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Base (class MonadBase)
import Control.Monad.Identity.Trans (IdentityT(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Identity (Identity)
import Data.List (List)
import Data.List.Lazy as LL
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
-- | Monads which allow their actions to be run in their base monad.
-- |
-- | `MonadUnlift` captures the opposite notion of `MonadBase` - while
-- | `MonadBase` allows an base monad `b` to be lifted into another monad `m`,
-- | `MonadUnlift` allows a `m` to be run in `b`, as long as contained in an
-- | outer `m` context.
-- |
-- | Note that the laws given below require that a monad have no "monadic
-- | state", which essentially limits instances to `ReaderT` and `IdentityT`
-- | stacks with a base of `b`.
-- |
-- | Instances should satisfy the following laws, which state that
-- | `unlift` is a transformer of monads for any given `u` returned by
-- | `askUnlift`:
-- |
-- | ```purescript
-- | unlift u <<< pure = pure
-- | unlift u (f =<< m) = unlift u <<< f =<< unlift u m
-- | ```
class MonadBase b m <= MonadUnlift b m | m -> b where
-- | Run a base monad action with access to a runner function that is capable
-- | of running a monadic action `m` in `b` (strictly speaking, a natural
-- | transformation from `m` to `b`).
withRunInBase :: forall x. ((m ~> b) -> b x) -> m x
instance MonadUnlift Array Array where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift List List where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift LL.List LL.List where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift Maybe Maybe where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift Effect Effect where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift Aff Aff where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift Identity Identity where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift (Either e) (Either e) where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift (ST s) (ST s) where
withRunInBase runAction = runAction identity
instance MonadUnlift b m => MonadUnlift b (ReaderT r m) where
withRunInBase runAction = ReaderT \context ->
withRunInBase \runMInBase ->
runAction \(ReaderT reader) ->
runMInBase $ reader context
instance MonadUnlift b m => MonadUnlift b (IdentityT m) where
withRunInBase runAction = IdentityT $
withRunInBase \runMInBase ->
runAction \(IdentityT a) ->
runMInBase a
newtype Unlift :: forall k. (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type
newtype Unlift b m = Unlift (m ~> b)
askUnlift :: forall b m. MonadUnlift b m => m (Unlift b m)
askUnlift = withRunInBase \run -> pure $ Unlift run
askRunInBase :: forall b m a. MonadUnlift b m => m (m a -> b a)
askRunInBase = withRunInBase pure
withUnlift :: forall b m a. MonadUnlift b m => (Unlift b m -> b a) -> m a
withUnlift runAction = withRunInBase \run -> runAction $ Unlift run
toBase :: forall b m a. MonadUnlift b m => m a -> m (b a)
toBase m = withRunInBase \run -> pure $ run m
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