2023-04-05 10:35:55 -07:00

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## toad-java
This repo contains the Java & Scala APIs for the [toad]( CoAP network runtime.
### Developing
#### Developing - Clone
> git clone toad-java
> cd toad-java
#### Developing - Tooling
##### Developing - Tooling - System
If on a minimal os (ex. bare debian image) install if not present:
- a C compiler, examples:
- [debian `apt install gcc`](
- [macos `brew install gcc`](
- [macos - xcode commandline tools](
- openssl, examples:
- [debian `apt install libssl-dev`](
- [macos `brew install openssl`](
- (debian only) `apt install pkg-config`
##### Developing - Tooling - asdf
this repo is configured to use asdf for managing versions of rust, the JVM, and coursier
used by this project.
To use it follow the [asdf installation guide](
then run the following in bash or zsh in the directory you cloned the repo to:
> asdf install
> asdf plugin add java # skip if you have system install of JDK version 20
> asdf plugin add rust # skip if you have system install of Rust
> asdf plugin add coursier # skip if you have system install of coursier
##### Developing - Tooling - Non-asdf
NOTE: skip this section if you are using asdf for tooling version management.
- install [openjdk]( _or equivalent_ version 20 or higher
- after installing, ensure that `$JAVA_HOME` correctly refers to JDK 20 (`java -version` should output `openjdk version "20" 202x-xx-xx`)
- install [coursier](
- install [rust](
##### Developing - Tooling - sbt
After following the above steps, add coursier-installed binaries to your PATH, ex with:
> echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/root/.local/share/coursier/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
Then install `sbt`
> coursier install sbt
#### Developing - Rust
There is a non-trivial amount of code necessary to support the interop between
`toad` (a rust library) and `toad-java` (a java project).
There is a published library [`toad-jni`]( which contains
general abstractions that are useful for this project and may be useful to others.
Separately is a rust project in this repository, `./glue/`.
This is *not* a published crate and is instead source code for a
shared library specifically to implement native java methods in this java project.
Development tips specific to the glue lib can be found in `./glue/`.
#### Developing - Build
the sbt command `compile` (`sbt compile` or `compile` in the `sbt` shell)
is the only required build step for this project.
`sbt compile` can be broken into the following steps:
1. run `javac` to generate C headers for java files with `native` function requirements
1. dump the headers into `./target/native/debug/`
- _(dual purpose; a native interface available to manually cross-check against the hard rust implementation, as well as providing an interface to the built library artifact)_
1. run `cargo build` within `./glue/` (builds to `./target/native/`)
1. run `cargo test` within `./glue/`
1. build java & scala sources to `./target/`
### Tests