arliss_obsidian/fp/Language/Expressions/case ..
Orion Kindel 3ee2a9bbbd
2024-09-24 17:52:08 -05:00

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Structural pattern matching expression

case <expr> of

where arm is:

<pattern> -> <expr>

pattern can be:

  • Data Structures/data constructors
  • Records literals, containing patterns
  • integer & number literals
  • string literals
  • array literals, containing patterns
  • wildcard _

Guard Clauses

Case arms can have Functions/Defining/Guard Clause like Functions definitions:

case _ of
  "" -> Nothing
  s | String.Util.startsWith "/" -> Just s
    | otherwise -> Nothing

Anonymous expression

Underscore can be placed in the expression position to write an Lambda Functions that immediately case matches on its argument:

case _ of
  Foo -> true
  Bar -> false

-- equivalent to

\a -> case a of
  Foo -> true
  Bar -> false


Match on Int when zero

nonzeroInt :: Int -> Maybe Int
nonzeroInt n =
  case n of
    0 -> Nothing
    n' -> Just n'

Match on Arity Data Structures/data constructors:

data Letter = A | B | C

letterToString :: Letter -> String
letterToString l =
  case l of
    A -> "a"
    B -> "b"
    C -> "c"

Match on Arity Data Structures/data constructors:

isJust :: forall a. Maybe a -> Boolean
isJust m =
  case m of
    Just a -> true
    Nothing -> false

Match on Arity Data Structures/data constructors:

data ComplexDataType = Complex Int Int String String

complex :: ComplexDataType -> String
complex m =
  case m of
    Complex a b c d -> (show a) <> (show b) <> c <> d

Match on a record field that is Maybe, continuing if the field is Just

unMaybeFirstName :: {firstName :: Maybe String} -> Maybe {firstName :: String}
unMaybeFirstName r =
  case r of
    {firstName: Just fn} -> Just {firstName: fn}
    _ -> Nothing

Match on an array of a into Either:

zeroOneOrMore ::
  forall a
   . Array a
  -> Either (Maybe a) (Array a)
zeroOneOrMore a =
  case a of
    [] -> Left Nothing
    [a] -> Left (Just a)
    _ -> Right a

Deserialize strings literals into a Data Structures/data

data Animal = Dog | Cat | Giraffe

animalFromString :: String -> Maybe Animal
animalFromString s =
  case s of
    "dog" -> Just Dog
    "cat" -> Just Cat
    "giraffe" -> Just Giraffe
    _ -> Nothing