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module Test.HTTPurple.ResponseSpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(Right))
import Effect.Aff (makeAff, nonCanceler)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import HTTPurple.Body (defaultHeaders)
2022-06-14 18:32:05 +00:00
import HTTPurple.Headers (header, toResponseHeaders)
import HTTPurple.Response (emptyResponse, emptyResponse', response, response', send)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.HTTP (responseAsStream)
import Node.Stream (end, writeString)
2022-06-14 18:32:05 +00:00
import Test.HTTPurple.TestHelpers (Test, getResponseBody, getResponseHeader, getResponseStatus, mockResponse, (?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
sendSpec :: Test
sendSpec =
describe "send" do
mockResponse' =
{ status: 123
, headers: header "Test" "test"
, writeBody:
\response -> makeAff \done -> do
stream <- pure $ responseAsStream response
void $ writeString stream UTF8 "test" $ const $ end stream $ const $ done $ Right unit
pure nonCanceler
it "writes the headers" do
header <- do
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseHeader "Test" httpResponse
header ?= "test"
it "writes the status" do
status <- do
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseStatus httpResponse
status ?= 123
it "writes the body" do
body <- do
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
responseFunctionSpec :: Test
responseFunctionSpec =
describe "response" do
it "has the right status" do
resp <- response 123 "test"
resp.status ?= 123
it "has only default headers" do
resp <- response 123 "test"
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "test"
2022-06-14 18:32:05 +00:00
resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- response 123 "test"
httpResponse <- liftEffect $ mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
response'Spec :: Test
response'Spec =
describe "response'" do
mockHeaders = header "Test" "test"
mockResponse' = response' 123 mockHeaders "test"
it "has the right status" do
resp <- mockResponse'
resp.status ?= 123
it "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse'
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "test"
2022-06-14 18:32:05 +00:00
resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders' <> mockHeaders
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse'
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
2017-09-26 06:08:07 +00:00
emptyResponseSpec :: Test
emptyResponseSpec =
describe "emptyResponse" do
it "has the right status" do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
resp.status ?= 123
it "has only default headers" do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders ""
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resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
httpResponse <- liftEffect $ mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= ""
emptyResponse'Spec :: Test
emptyResponse'Spec =
describe "emptyResponse'" do
mockHeaders = header "Test" "test"
mockResponse' = emptyResponse' 123 mockHeaders
it "has the right status" do
resp <- mockResponse'
resp.status ?= 123
it "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse'
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders ""
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resp.headers ?= mockHeaders <> toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse'
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= ""
2017-07-10 10:17:13 +00:00
responseSpec :: Test
responseSpec =
describe "Response" do